Palm Beach IT Users Group
12 Oct 10, Wings of Gold MC, West Palm Beach, Fl
Yeah, This is the place !
Again, thanks for the hospitality, Ed !
(John must have dropped something)
Kathy Shepherd, Center, rear is representing HubCentrix and looking for
resellers. Their brochure is listed below. Hub Centrix specializes
in handling and transferring very large graphics files. If you have a
client that may have use of these services, please contact Kathy. Business
card is below the Brochure.
Sue Merklin also did a presentation on her GONETCLICK.COM. See her info below:
Various pasta dishes, salad and bread sticks ! Really great !
Please note the Ultra High-Tech decorations
Yes, that's a real Chrome Dancing pole there on the mirrored stage disguised as
a Wi-Fi antenna.
Ok, folks, that's all 'till 2nd Tuesday next month. If you have a specific subject, bring it up on . The group would like to hear your ideas.