Deerfield Beach Coders' Cafe
17 December 2015
980 North Federal Highway, Suite 110
Boca Raton, FL 33432    855.545.1290

Sponsored by (Young Lady, center rear)

Event Leader, (second in from the left)

A Windows guy, Linux Guy, Unix Guy, Staffing Lady, a Dot Net & many other different flavors of Coder Guys went into Cendyn Spaces, off Federal Highway in Boca.  They had hamburger sliders, with wings and washed it down with various forms of fomented stuff. They discussed what they were doing, where it was going and what they expected it and many other things to morph into as time went on.  AI & Powershell were also among the ‘Hot Items’. Everyone learned something.  Most learned a lot.  They left as good friends and colleagues, expecting to see each other and more at the next Coder’s Café,


Coders Cafe - 01/19/2016 - 6:30 PM - Cendyn Spaces, Boca Raton - IoT with Raspberry Pi, Windows 10, Cortana Analytics Suite and Power BI By Joe Homnick, CPA and Microsoft Regional Director

IoT with Raspberry Pi, Windows 10, Cortana Analytics Suite and Power BI By Joe Homnick, CPA and Microsoft Regional Director Joe is doing a Hands-on session showing how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Windows 10 and then capture sensor data to Cortana Analytics and Power BI. He will walk you through deploying a Universal Windows App to the Raspberry Pi that will capture sensor data and send that data to a Cortana Analytics Event Hub. Cortana Stream Analytics then picks up that sensor data from the Event Hub and delivers it to a real time Power BI Dashboard. Come join Joe for an informative and fun session.

Register at:


South Florida Code Camp - 02/20/2016 - Call for Speakers, Sponsors and attendees.

The 12th annual South Florida Code Camp is around the corner. I'd like to invite anyone who has considered speaking to give it a try. Although most of the speakers have a few under their belt, many started out at a code camp. If you have any questions or need some encouragement, please contact me, Dave Noderer or any of the code camp staff.

Speaker registration link is:

As always, this free all day event for software developers would not take place without the generosity of our sponsors. For sponsorship information contact

Attendee Registration:


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