(Last updated, 16 April, 2024)

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Update from Reggie, 05 Apr 2022. We will have a Friday night get-together on Friday night, August 19th, at the home of Richard and Lynn Katz.  On Saturday night, August 20th,  we will have a dinner at the Masonic Hall in Marblehead. We are not yet sure whether or not we will have a low-keyed casual get-together on Sunday morning.  Hang tight - more info to come.  Thank you, Reggie and all others that have assisted.

Photo's from the 80th Birthday Party weekend are posted !


If you have not received an email concerning this, please UPDATE your email with or  More information will be posted as it becomes available.


Photo's of 75th Birthday Party

Updated Biographies

Our departed Classmates
(Last updated, 4 May 2024)

Bucket List
The history and traditions of Marblehead (1880)

Samuel Roads, Jr.
(Click for no-cost download in multiple formats)
First  Harbor Company Live Little Harbor View.
55th Reunion
(click on it)

Marblehead High School
Class of 1960

70th Birthday Party
(Click for photo's)
Oct 27, 2012, Dolphin Yacht Club, Marblehead, Massachusetts
ADDED, 4 Dec 12 photo's from Howard MacKay -SEE HERE


This link it to Don Orne's automated photo show from our 50th Reunion.
( Ok, so it's a bit slow - can you run any faster?)

Here is a picture of Reggie receiving her gift from the (Reunion) committee. A silver platter from Comina. 

Thanks, Reggie, Great Job !!

Further comments from the Reunion Committee:

The Committee for the 1960 Class of MHS would like to sincerely thank,

  Lynn Katz

for the hours of time spent on preparing her home and the food and drink consumed by the class at her home on Friday August 13, 2010. They would also like to acknowledge the time and effort and money spent on chopping and cutting and preparing for the breakfast at the Gerry Five on Sunday August 15th.


We know that you have been instrumental in these preparations for over 50 years and probably without a formal thank you.


Our reunions have been successful mainly because of your efforts and we would like to give you this gift certificate to the Spirit of 76 bookstore as a small token of our love and appreciation for the work you have done for us.  You have opened your heart and your home to all who have come to our reunions and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your grace, compassion and kindness. We are honored to have you as a friend of the class of Marblehead High School and hope you will accept and use this small gift from us with our gratitude for a job well done.


Sincerely yours,


The MHS Class of 1960 Reunion Committee


Mike Bagnulo, Arlene Briggs, Nancy Easterbrook, Roz Greenberg, Jack Karas, Dick Katz, David Lord, Howie Mackay, Margaret Meo, Betsy Rockett, Marleen Miller, Jay Morrison, Bob Newman, Don Orne, Peter Phillips,  Reggie Robinson, Natalie Stoller


News flash- Our next get together is Sept 29, 2012 possibly at the BYC for your 70th birthdays.
(Click on it)

 The 50th reunion of the Marblehead High School Class of 1960 was held the weekend of August 13th -15th, 2010.   Over 75 former classsmates enjoyed a Friday night get-together at the home of Richard and Lynn Katz, a Saturday morning walking tour of Marblehead followed by lunch at the Landing, a Saturday night celebration at the Salem Waterfront Hotel and Suites, and a Sunday morning brunch. A great time was enjoyed by all.

    This picture was taken at the Saturday night dinner dance at the Salem Waterfront Hotel and Suites.

Starting from the bottom of the bottom picture from left to right
       Row 1--Bill Crane, E.J. Bulkeley, John Whipple
       Row 2--Haven McGovern Dybzak, Arlene Briggs Williard, Margaret Meo Houlahan, Jean Erickson Smith, Joanne Woodman, Eleanor Zahn Dubin, Marlene Miller Cohen O'Brian, Judy Frary Micoleau
       Row 3--Al Hosman, Tom Bowen, Peter DeWolfe, Michael Raphael, Stephen Freedman, Judy Skinner, Bob Taylor, Lennie Cashman, Mike Bagnulo
       Row 4-- Chris Almy, Jay Morrison, Jeffrey Best, Richard Haley, Bruce Bean, Jim Fleming, Fred Wakelin
   Starting from the bottom of the top picture from left to right
       Row 1--Nancy Oliver, Gloria Bernard, Arline Dell Udler, Ann Toomey, Bill Graham, Buck Grader
       Row 2--Terri White Stevens, Betsey Mercer Rockett, Beryl Hamlen Morrisey, Caryl Swanson Brubaker, Carol Hartwell Ayotte, Nancy Eames Easterbrooks, Susan Kline Goodwin, Rozanne Greenberg Weinberg Kipp 
       Row 3--Arthur Kemelman, Peter Jensen Vesterdorf, Howie MacKay, Shaun O'Shaughnessy, Paul Kuzinitz, Bob Butler, Peter Phillips, Richard Katz
       Row 4--Dave Lord, Bo Batty, Reggie Robinson Weinstein, Bob Newman, Jack Karas, Don Orne

Don Orne's picture gallery (Click Me)

Marblehead High School Class of 1960
An expose by Donald Orne
Click on it!

Lots more stuff coming, keep checking in.

(Above this line, 2009 & newer stuff)
(Below this line, older stuff)

New entry (6 Sep, 2017)
1st Grade, Glover School
Courtest Judy (Swartzburg) Freedberg

(Correction - Update) Story School, 1st & 2nd Grades, '47 & '48
Added 17 Aug 2015 - courtesy of  Kathy R.

kinde3a.JPG (201698 bytes)kinde4a.JPG (159150 bytes)
(These are all officially certified GerryManders)
(Click on picture to enlarge.  Do you know everybody here??)


Party 1

Party 2


Landing 1

Landing 2


Marblehead Wallpaper

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