South Florida Technology Network
11 Mar 10, CBeyond HQ, Miramar, Fl
Introducing our new Host and primary contact person at CBeyond,
Mark Matz.
See Mark's card with all contact information below. Mark gave us an update
on CBeyond's latest projects and customer product range. Our previous
contact person at CBeyond, Andre, has been promoted to 'WOW', which means 'Way
out West'. Congratulations and thanks for your support, Andre. We
really appreciated it!
No, he isn't playing a Harmonica....
As Scott mentioned in his comments, we covered a lot of territory during this meeting. We hope to see more of you next time, Thursday, 08 Apr, 10
Also, on Tuesday, 6 April, 10 from 18:00 or 18:30 on, there is a Geek's Dinner at Bru's Place, Rt. A1A in Deerfield Beach. This a social for area Developers or all kinds. If you ever need or think that you could use some developer support in your shop, this is a good place to bump some elbows and pick up a few business cards. If your business card says that you 'Do Windows', these guys 'Do Code'. You'll be welcome.