Palm Beach IT Users Group
Meeting at and sponsored by:
7121 Fairway Drive, Suite 101
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
12 January 2016
Moving right along.....
Actual listing of interest items for the new year:
Palm Beach IT User Group presenter’s wish list
1) Cloud-based services (i.e.: Azure, Office 365, cloud backups, business continuity, etc.)
2) Cyber Security Lab
3) MSP Services (RMM, Patch Management, AV, etc.)
4) Members who would like to present on a product or service that they are providing to their clients
5) Possible tour of hosting providers, co-locations, etc.
6) Intellectual Property Attorneys in Ft. Lauderdale
7) Computer forensics
8) Data recovery
9) Virtualization (Hyper-V, VMWare, Xen & Xen Server, etc.)
10) Possibly have a meeting or two during the year that it’s simply a “meet and greet” – potentially further south.
11) Linux demo by Adam Schwartz
12) IT Best Practices
13) Possible new meeting setup is where we have anyone who has a question or issue they’re dealing with and they can be answered during the 30 minutes prior to the meeting starting, or right after the presentation, or even at the MAM (Meeting After the Meeting).
14) Will start having not only a “thank you for attending the meeting”, but also asks for feedback of the presentation.
15) HIPPA compliances
16) Promoting your IT company
17) Point of Sale systems presentations
18) Gadgets & Gizmos presentations
19) Contracts presentation (i.e.: no compete, consulting, agreement to pay, etc.)
Please contact PBIT for any comments on the items listed or appropriate additions to this list.
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